How do you have the time???
This is probably one of the most popular questions I get from people when I tell them
what I do for a living. How do you have the time to do everything that you do???
You must not ever sleep! I could never do that!
Well, the truth is... I MAKE TIME!!!
We all are given the same 24 hours in a day. Not a moment more. Not a moment less. It is what we DO in those 24 hours that determine what we get done or what stays on our To Do list for days or weeks..... or forever.
Trust me when I say this... I AM NOT PERFECT!
Hell, there are days that I do not do a single thing but binge watch crime shows while drinking my cup of Joseph. ( this is a true statement)
There are times I sit at my desk with my list of tasks I need to get done and before I know it 2 hours pass and I am now on a screen taking a quiz to find out what piece of fruit I am or on my best friends cousins boyfriends stepsisters mother- in - laws Facebook page...
Come on.. I am not the only one here!
I get it. Things happen. Life happens! But one thing for sure is - if I have a goal in mind I will take action to pursue it... and then CRUSH it!
It might not be done over night and it might take some time to crush that goal but I always do...
and I always will- and so can YOU!
The first step is just DOING IT! Sounds easy- but in fact it is the hardest part.
We- as humans- tend to put things on hold or limit ourselves. We always seem to come up with excuses on why we can't do something. I don't have time to work out. I could never start my own business. I have kids- I can't do that. I don't have the money. I don't have the best camera to do what you do. I work 40 hours a week already.
Well let me tell you this... If YOU have TIME to give me excuses... then YOU have time to do whatever it is that you want to accomplish.
I saw this quote on one of my late night Facebook scroll sessions, ( I wish I could give the credit on who posted this... I will have to get better at that) but they said-
" Instead of saying you don't have the time- say, it is not my priority"
WOW! That hit me like a ton of bricks. It is not my priority. Sounds kind of harsh but it is the truth.
So the truth of the matter is you do have time- you just spend it watching TV or scrolling Social Media. ( guilty as charged).
I wanted to share with you all how I prioritize my life. ( it is a work in process guys- remember I am not perfect even though my Grammy thinks I am)
First and for most I am a HUGE List Maker!!!
Yes you heard that (or actually read that) correctly. Every night before I lay these big brown eyes to rest- I make a list. I write down anything that I KNOW that NEEDS to get done the following day.
I also have a desk calendar and a planner that I keep track of everything.
For those of you that don't know- I work 40+ hours a week for a company that specializes in events/weddings. I also run a multi million dollar network marketing team.
Wow that feels good to say!
I have a new passion for working out and have a home I help take care of. So, I get it. You're busy. We are ALL busy!!!
So here are my TOP TIPS for making time in your life!
1. Make a nightly list of what you NEED to get done the following day.
My favorite part of this is crossing things off!
2. Get yourself a planner and or a desk calendar.
This is crucial for those who own a business. I write down every meeting I have.
I do team training videos - so I will also write down my training topics on the calendar. I put peoples names down who I have to check in with or follow up with. It keeps me in line and helps me accomplish my bigger goals. I personally like to buy stickers and colored pens for my planners. This way I can see things pop! I am a huge visual person so for me this helps me. Plan your day out ahead of time and schedule yourself in blocks. I will go over that in a bit.
3. I am a HUGE person for personal development. I love reading but I don't always "prioritize"
( see what I did there....) it into my day. So for me- since I am in the car daily driving to and from work, will LISTEN to podcasts. I love listening to TED TALKS and for those of you who are in Network Marketing should really listen to Eric Worre. LIFE CHANGING!!!
4. Make time for YOU! I schedule my work outs into my week. I make it a PRIORITY to schedule
3-5 classes a week. Everyone needs time to reboot and time to enjoy themselves. You need to be the best version of you in order to give yourself to others.
5. Lets go back to blocking your day out. I mentioned this in #2.
For me blocking your day out is great for those who say they don't have time.
I will block out my actual 24 hours down to the minute of what I need to do and how I am going to fit it in during my day. If I know I need to work out, do a training, wash my hair, call Sally to discuss products, work a 8 hour shift, dinner, laundry, personal development.. I will block out my time to the minute. I find that sometimes I will MULTI TASK. So on my way to work I will listen to a personal development pod cast. On my lunch break I will follow up with Sally. Or if I know I need to mail things to customers instead of eating lunch I will drink a shake in my car as I drive my happy little tush to the beloved post office. When I do this I find that I do have the time I am just using it to do other things.
6. Have a notebook handy!!! Yes! This is another big one for me. I don't know about you but my brain is like a million opened computer tabs. It is always thinking. I like to have a notebook handy
(or use the notebook in my phone) when I think of ideas. I might be in the middle of setting up for a wedding but if a great training topic comes to my mind I will hurry up and jot it down in my notebook.
7. Say NO! You heard me right. There are going to be times where you just can not fit anything else into your day... You will have to say no... Now you might be thinking.. well Jamie.. " you said".... Ya, I know what I said. But there are times where you just have to say No! And I am NOT TALKING about saying NO to your goals and your future. I am saying you need to say NO to things that DO NOT benefit the life you are trying to live. Or maybe you got sick or your child got sick. ( Refer to #4 on this one... remember YOU need to be the best version of you! So if you get sick well then girl you need to rest!)
I will give you some more tips in another post.. But just remember.. if all else fails you can do it tomorrow! lol. I am kind of kidding here...
Stop being so hard on yourself Boo! You are human and it is ok if you don't get everything done in a day. As long as you are making progress that is all that matters. The only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday.
Like I said before I still have my binge days and I do skip work out classes or I over schedule myself because I forgot to write something down. I am NOT perfect but I am trying and you should too!
Love ya guys!
Til next time