Don't let FEAR hold you back!
Get over your self, your doubts, your insecurities and live the life you were meant too!
Do you remember when you were a child and you were scared of something. Perhaps it was sleeping at a friends house, riding a bike, going down the slide or going on a roller coaster. But the moment you did it you were like... Wow thats not bad lets DO IT AGAIN!
I am sure we have all had one point of our childhood where we had those thoughts- hell maybe even as an adult. But for some reason as an adult we let FEAR control us. The things we are scared of are bigger than just going down the slide or sleeping at our friends house but the principal is still the same.
For me I had lots of fears. I was scared to work out. Yes I said it. And I was scared of public speaking. You probably would have never guessed that but it is true.
For me- the working out part wasn't the biggest thing I was scared of- it was more.. What will the others at the gym think or say about me? I know that sounds silly but its true. It is what I thought.
That was until a few years ago when I began to do personal development. I swear personal development has taught me so much- and we can cover that later, but what I have learned is that in life we tend to let fear control our daily moves and habits.
Last year I started working out at my local gym called Sol Sprint. I know I have talked about this studio many times but it changed my life. I felt welcomed and I was inspired by many of the instructors and students. I started taking a few of the classes and I fell in love. I never thought I would love cycling but turns out I do!
A year later I end up getting my certification to teach cycle classes!
You see, if I would have let FEAR control me I would have never accomplished this let alone fall in love with it!
So a big THANK YOU to my Sol Sisters for encouraging me and always lifting me up! You guys are the real rock stars! xoxo
Why do we do this? Why do we allow FEAR to dictate our moves and life? It is really strange when you think about it.
Another FEAR I have had is public speaking. Now I know you are all thinking... Ya right?! This girl is always doing LIVE videos, will walk up to strangers and talk to them and is always loud! But for real you guys, I have a FEAR of public speaking.
And it's not that I am scared scared.... it is that I am scared of what will come out of my mouth. For those of you who know me already know that I make up alot of words. It is not that I mean to its just- I can't think of the word I am trying to say and some other word just plops out. Or I get into a ramble of non sense just to try and make my point. I am also a little bit of a trucker- and I fully blame my Grammy on that one.
So my fear of speaking in front of others is always in the back of my mind. And it is something that I do for a living- so ya you have that haha.
But after every time I speak someone always comes up to me and thanks me. They love who I am and that I am myself. So for that I am grateful!
If you have a FEAR in life I want you to really think about it for a moment. Are you allowing that fear to stop you from becoming who you are meant to be in life?
Stop thinking about what others will think or say about you! Just DO it! ( stolen from Nike ) haha Don't want to get sued for not giving proper credit haha
And who cares if you mess up or are not perfect- What matters is YOU TRY! and you learn from it too!
What is one FEAR that is holding you back??
Comment below and lets get you to break that fear together!
Jamie Leigh